Version:20240731 Read instuctions below before using
Site is still in beta. Please contact me if any issues arise.
Code is optimized for EPAX CMYK, Printed Solid C-M-Y-K, or Bambu Labs CMYK filament, other brands/colors will give unpredictable color results.
Important slicing instructions for successful printing: First layer 0.1mm, additional layers 0.07mm, extrusion width must match value chosen above. Optional: Set a height modifier after height 0.59mm and set layer height to 0.05 for maximum lithophane quality.
Printing with a 0.4mm nozzle may cause the Bambu slicer to complain the layers are too thin, you should ignore this.
I have been getting a "floating" error when slicing. I haven't seen any issues but always preview your gcode before printing.
For questions/comments email me at
Feel free to tag me on Instragram and Twitter/X @patterntoprint, if I really like your photo I might use it as the featured image on this page (with permission and credit of course).
I have occasional updates on my Substack page.